This website promotes the authentic Jewish worldview on a wide range of subjects. We also examine various ideologies that claim to be part of Judaism but are not. We encourage you to review our content with an open mind and make an independent, mature judgment on the issues. Come and embrace your true creed as a Jew. Emulate our Father Abraham, who stood alone against the entire world and did not bend or bow to falsity.

Enjoy your visit!

כ״ד בשבט ה׳תשפ״ה

Authentic Judaism



A podcast exploring the incredible lives and deeds of Authentic, Great Rabbis, highlighting their piety. Each episode features only reliable, verified, and factual narratives.

Authentic Jewish Ideology

A short weekly podcast presenting the Authentic Jewish outlook on a variety of subjects, inspired by Rabbi Avigdor Miller ZAL and other esteemed Authentic Rabbis.

HaChazeik Bemussar

An authentic Jew must study Mussar daily. To support and encourage this sacred duty, we present short audio elucidations of classic Sifrei Mussar. May this help purify our hearts and enable us to become a Tabernacle for serving Hashem

Authentic Judaism