Two Rabbis. Same Title (well almost…). Cosmic Canyon Dividing Them

While the following explanation is a little humorous and “cute”, do not allow that to detract from the phenomenal truth that it carries: The Holy Brisker Rov (Rabbi Yitzchok Zev Ben Reb Haim Soloveichek OBM) who lived in Jerusalem toward the end of his life, is fondly called by thousands ‘The Rov‘. He had a muddle-minded, confused…

By Their Legacy, You Shall Know Them

Part 1. Christianity Suppose we want to examine and judge an individual, or a group of people big or small. In that case, examining the legacy of the person or group we are discussing is very important. The legacy says it all. It is the most revealing element. It says EVERYTHING. Let’s go back in history. What was…

“Common” sense is very uncommon!

We all conduct our everyday lives with common sense. We get on airplanes without fear that the pilot is a terrorist. Furthermore, we don’t start running to do DNA tests on our children even when one of them develops a wart in a place that their parents lack one out of fear that the kid was switched…

What Does it Mean to Be a “Fisher of Men”

Mr. Yoshke (JC, the one that was hung up on Calvary next to my uncle, whose name was Jesus Goldberg) is quoted as having said (per the Greek Testament. By the way, isn’t it a hilarious assertion that for over a thousand years, the Creator was talking to all His people and prophets in the Holy Tongue of Biblical…

All Contra-Torah Ideology is Totally Irrational

Atheists and agnostics love presenting themselves as being “rational”. Even people who are more or less Torah Jews, but dabble with “ideas outside the Beis Midrash”. love to say they are more “rational” than the “old-timers” who accept everything on “blind faith”. Well, Authentic Jewish Faith is in no way “blind”. All Authentic Jewish Beliefs are…

About the Kollel etc…

Am Yisroel (the Authentic Jewish Nation) has no equivalent anywhere throughout history. They have always been the noblest, most moral, kindest, and most decent people in the world. Everyone knows that in Authentic Jewish neighborhoods worldwide, you can walk the streets at any time without fear of being attacked. It is a well-documented fact that…

Amazing New Inspirational Clip about DNA Replication

You have approx. 100 trillion cells in your body. These cells are replicating every second of your life. Ensuring accurate replication of the information in our cells is critical to our survival; a single error in this process could lead to serious consequences, such as cancer (Heaven forbid). We often go about our daily routines oblivious to…

An Important Law of Physics and Yiddeshkeit

Anyone with even a basic understanding of physics knows the concept of entropy. In simple terms, entropy means that things left alone will deteriorate, break down, and migrate toward decay. The ink on a page fades, metals rust, and living things die. The only way to interrupt or reverse this inevitable process is by adding…

What Every Authentic Jewish Mother is Most Concerned About

Who hasn’t heard from their mom that she would do anything for their well-being? Our mothers are precious, and we should cherish and appreciate them deeply. Every dedicated mother sacrifices so much for her children. I remember hearing as a child about certain squirrels that, if caught in a trap, would gnaw off their leg…

Whose fault is it that most of the world believes your grandfather was a fish

The “Theory of Evo-illusion” is nothing less than insanity. It is very safe to assume that if it was known in 1859 (when Charlie Darwin published his bible of evolution) what is known today about life’s complexity, he would have been laughed out of the academy in a second. While the consensus regarding evolution is beginning to shift a little, as…