“Common” sense is very uncommon!

We all conduct our everyday lives with common sense. We get on airplanes without fear that the pilot is a terrorist. Furthermore, we don’t start running to do DNA tests on our children even when one of them develops a wart in a place that their parents lack one out of fear that the kid was switched in the hospital ward. But when it comes to Authentic Jewish Ideology, some, even super intellectuals, become super dumb.

Everyone possesses an intuition that complex, specific, prescriptive information requires a mind. An intelligent agent. Chaos and randomness never produce complex, specific, prescriptive information. But when it comes to realizing that HASHEM created the world, many minds just shut down and turn off. The most common-sense concept in the universe becomes rare and uncommon.

It is important to note that this innate intuition is not based on experience or learning. Studies on little children have shown that when they see complex designed-looking entities, they immediately realize that there is a designer, even though they have never seen or observed this type of object being designed. This is called

“The Universal Design Intuition”

We cannot see HASHEM with our limited eyesight. But no one has ever seen gravity, magnetism, or any type of energy for that matter. When the apple fell out of the tree hitting Newton on the head (a story that never really happened) he was observing an effect of the cause that was, out of lack of any other term, called “gravity”. So we immediately conclude that there is a cause to the effect of the apple falling, even though we cannot observe that cause. So too, Common Sense immediately tells us that unfathomable, complex information in the biosphere is the result of an intelligent agent. HASHEM, Blessed Be He.

Don’t ever let your strong convictions be diluted by the fact that many people don’t have common sense. It was always that way and will remain that way until HASHEM decides to change that. Common sense in the real important issues of life is indeed rare, but so are diamonds. That’s what makes them valuable.

Newton (I think it is safe to say that he was a pretty smart guy:-) asked the rhetorical question:

Was the Eye contrived without Skill in Opticks, and the Ear without
Knowledge of Sounds?”

– Sir Isaac Newton, Optiks, pg. 344

After you have opened your eyes to the obvious answer to the previous question, proceed to open your mind to the super-obvious answer to the following question:

He who planted the ear, does He not hear?  He who formed the eye, does He not see?” – Tehillim (Psalms) 94,9

Newton said at the end of his life that he felt like a child playing on the beach with seashells while the vast ocean of truth is still before him. Wow, what a statement! One of the greatest scientific minds of all time, admitting he hasn’t even begun to touch “The Ocean of Truth”. Don’t YOU go through life without navigating through This Ocean of Truth! Start here:

Rabbi Avigdor Miller OBM

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