Don’t be Impressed by Little Letters…

Some people have little letters after their names. Like “Ph.D.” or MD etc. We tend to be impressed by these little letters after their names. Well, we should not.

There are many professors for this or that, that are utterly stupid, idiotic, and ignorant. And some of them are also wicked and evil. The Wansee Conference, where the Germans decided on the outline of the “Final Solution” to the “Jewish Problem” (i.e. exterminating them all most cruelly) was attended by multiple people that had little letters after their names (a few Ph.D’s. and MD’s). The infamous Josef Mengele, who sent millions to die an excruciating death, choking on gas for 12 minutes, was an authorized MD. Osama Bin Ladin’s number two man was also an MD. You get the point.

So when you see or hear someone peddling contra-Authentic-Jewish-Ideology-garbage, don’t let yourself be impressed, even if he has little letters after his name. The only letters that matter are ATJ = Authentic Torah Jew!

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