Whose fault is it that most of the world believes your grandfather was a fish

The “Theory of Evo-illusion” is nothing less than insanity. It is very safe to assume that if it was known in 1859 (when Charlie Darwin published his bible of evolution) what is known today about life’s complexity, he would have been laughed out of the academy in a second. While the consensus regarding evolution is beginning to shift a little, as the cosmic complexity of life is being revealed every day, there is still a long, uphill path to see it finally disappear.

But it is important to understand that one of the factors that was influential in Sefer Breishis (Genesis) being rejected by the masses, was really Christianity.

People realized that if they don’t come up with some naturalistic explanation for origins, then what they are left with is a religion that tells them that god raped a young woman in Judea 2000 years ago (if you are interested why I call this “rape” send me a private message and I will happily explain) and his “son” (or was it his second cousin?) died so everybody could avoid eternal damnation. And that the G-D given Torah was, Heaven Forbid, annulled, in a vision to a single person (who was probably intoxicated at the time) and now it’s everything goes… Such silly ideas cannot really be entertained by any person whose IQ is not < 0.

So they needed something, anything, to replace this crazy narrative with, and Darwin supplied the plot.

Rabbi Avigdor Miller OBM mentioned in a lecture that in these days of age it is the evangelical Christians who are spearheading the battle against the insanity that your grandpa was bacteria, and your grandma, a fish.

Well, it’s only fitting to be that way. They were part of the cause and now they have to fix it. Christianity causes atheism. Always was that way and still is.

We Authentic Jews never took the “theory” seriously to begin with.

PS You should know that when their god was being crucified, next to him was my uncle, who was also being crucified by the Romans (like almost the 100,000 other Jews that the Romans crucified). His name was also Jesus. But his full name was Jesus Goldberg (not like the guy next to him named Jesus C.) And while he did absolutely nothing that the Messiah is supposed to do, no big deal, he will be coming back someday soon to do all of that insignificant stuff (like rebuilding the Beis HaMikdash, gathering the exiles, filling the world with Emmunah, nothing serious) and reclaim his fame… Wait and see…:)

(If you are in any way being threatened by Christian missionaries contact these people immediately for guidance)

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