About the Kollel etc…

Am Yisroel (the Authentic Jewish Nation) has no equivalent anywhere throughout history. They have always been the noblest, most moral, kindest, and most decent people in the world. Everyone knows that in Authentic Jewish neighborhoods worldwide, you can walk the streets at any time without fear of being attacked.

It is a well-documented fact that Authentic Jews donate more to the needy than any other people at any time. In every major city where Authentic Jews reside, there are Yeshivos and Kollels (study institutions for married men). There are beautiful schools for girls that emphasize holiness and purity.

The so-called ‘intellectual world’ (i.e., hypocritical and idiotic) mocks Torah learners as living off “charity.” Nothing could be further from the truth. Grants are frequently given to support research deemed important by society. Billions of tax dollars fund projects that often oppose the worldview of many citizens. Scholarships are awarded to students for their education. In the Authentic Jewish world, funding supports individuals studying subjects significant to the Jewish people.

All my immediate relatives are ‘academics.’ They have been in education their entire lives, but their workweek is about one-tenth of an average Kollel learner’s, with the rest of the time dedicated to ‘research.’ They receive substantial salaries. Supporting Torah learners is entirely legitimate. We study the Holy Torah; they study evolutionary theories claiming our ancestors were fish.

We do not serve in the Israeli armed forces. We are not members of the Zionist Nation. We existed here before the Zionists took over the Holy Land, and we will remain after they are gone. The Jewish people lived peacefully with their Muslim brethren for thousands of years. The Zionists instigated extreme hatred in the Arab world. Now, they must deal with the consequences.

[For a detailed and accurate Authentic Jewish perspective on Zionism and the State of Israel, read this book. Be warned: once you start, it might be hard to put down!]

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