About this website – contact info

This website was developed to promote Authentic Jewish ideology on many subjects and to challenge worldviews that claim to be part of Judaism but are not. We will not pull any punches or use politically correct jargon. Bad, treif hashkofos are a sin, and there is no room for them in Authentic Judaism. Pluralism and open-mindedness simply indicate a lack of decisiveness and clarity (or ignorance). Just as 2 + 2 = 4, or whether one’s gender is either male or female, so too certain other truths are also indisputable. So there is no room to “discuss” whether homosexuality is anything less than evil. Or to entertain the idea that the State of Israel represents the Jewish people. And this same reasoning applies to all basic, accepted Torah opinions.

If you are seeking anything other than the truth, you might have landed in the wrong place. However, if you have the strength and courage to separate yourself from groupthink, you will gain much from the content of this website. We wish you great success in your search for the truth.

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Please contact us directly via the following avenues:

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In USA: ‪(973) 910-0623‬

In Eretz Yisroel: +972 2 5002558

 If we are unavailable please leave a message and we will return your call IYH.

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