All Contra-Torah Ideology is Totally Irrational

Atheists and agnostics love presenting themselves as being “rational”. Even people who are more or less Torah Jews, but dabble with “ideas outside the Beis Midrash”. love to say they are more “rational” than the “old-timers” who accept everything on “blind faith”.

Well, Authentic Jewish Faith is in no way “blind”. All Authentic Jewish Beliefs are the most logical and sensible ideas (Don’t get me wrong, We know the truths of the Torah are indeed true not just because they are sensible and understandable. However, besides being objectively true, they are also very sensible

Anti-Torah beliefs are just silly and idiotic.

Let me ask you something: What are you made of? Well, the answer is mainly carbon atoms. Now think this over for a second: The chair you are sitting on is also made of atoms. Now, let me ask you: How intelligent is the chair you are sitting on? A laughable question, of course. But the point is that atoms are really, really dumb. But you are not. You think, feel, are creative, and much more. But you are just atoms, so where do all these other attributes and capabilities come from?

In the “old days”, there was “philosophy” that tried to grapple with these questions and failed completely. Today we have neuroscience. Neuroscience can observe different activities in the brain and does a good job of mapping brain activity, but even the greatest neuroscientist in the world cannot explain how neurons actually think He may give you a nine-hour lecture, but he will not be able to explain ANYTHING.

Ideas are non-material. Feelings are not material. Hardcore materialism totally fails on all fronts. Look into your child’s eyes and tell me with a straight face that he is only a bag of carbon atoms. We have a Holy, G-D given Neshama (soul) and we should guard it with great passion and devotion.

As we wrote elsewhere, wherever we find complex, descriptive, specific information, we always trace it back to an intelligent mind. An intelligent agent. DNA is the densest information-carrying entity in the entire universe, so why do people sway from the most intuitive of conclusions and ascribe it to idiotic theories that are absolutely impossible.

So realizing that HASHEM created the world is the most, rational, intuitive, and self-evident axiom that has ever existed.

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