Amazing New Inspirational Clip about DNA Replication

You have approx. 100 trillion cells in your body. These cells are replicating every second of your life.

Ensuring accurate replication of the information in our cells is critical to our survival; a single error in this process could lead to serious consequences, such as cancer (Heaven forbid).

We often go about our daily routines oblivious to what our Creator does every second to sustain and keep us alive. Regardless of how many people fail to recognize His extraordinary care and mercy toward us, we must strive to avoid falling into the mental complacency of not acknowledging His mighty hand.

The following clip documents DNA replication. DNA is the densest information-storing entity in the entire universe and functions similarly to computer code. Anyone with programming experience knows that a single error can sometimes disrupt an entire program! Thus, error control is critical. While we rely on spell checkers in our everyday lives, mistakes still occur. However, our Creator outdoes every spell checker in existence.

Apikorsus (atheism, heresy) is utterly irrational. In our universal experience, descriptive, specific information of any kind always leads back to an intelligent agent. Random, blind processes only create chaos and confusion. Therefore, those who consider themselves “super-intellectual” Apikorsim are simply irrational. When it comes to Authentic Yiddishkeit, even the highly intelligent can become misguided.

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