Authentic Jewish Inspirational Media


Inspirational Video Clips

Inspirational Audio Clips (including some very famous Kosher Nigunnim)

The Shir Ha-Malot song by the Composer Yossele Rosenblat . Imitated by millions, replicated by none!
Very famous piece from Mussaf of Yom Kippur – breaks even the hardest heart. (but the chazzan singing it (Kwartin) was not an Authetnic Jew. Nebech)
A beautiful rendering of Adon Olam. The only entitiy that will endure forever is Hashem Yisborach and His will
A very sweet song about trusting in Hashem. What an Authentic Jew is really about I think it was written during the covid-19 crisis.
We must always remember the great, good things Hashem has done for us. Dovid HaMelech wrote this about those things
This Nigun is BAsed on a Piut we say on Shavuos. Amazing classic.