By Their Legacy, You Shall Know Them

Part 1. Christianity Suppose we want to examine and judge an individual, or a group of people big or small. In that case, examining the legacy of the person or group we are discussing is very important. The legacy says it all. It is the most revealing element. It says EVERYTHING. Let’s go back in history. What was…

What Does it Mean to Be a “Fisher of Men”

Mr. Yoshke (JC, the one that was hung up on Calvary next to my uncle, whose name was Jesus Goldberg) is quoted as having said (per the Greek Testament. By the way, isn’t it a hilarious assertion that for over a thousand years, the Creator was talking to all His people and prophets in the Holy Tongue of Biblical…

What is the Core Motivating Factor of Authentic Judaism

The RAMBAM gives an amazing explanation of why HASHEM allowed Christianity and Islam to be so successful. Rabbi Miller OBM also had some very interesting ideas on this. We here offer an additional idea (all of them are true): I think that HASHEM created Christianity and Islam to show us the contrast between Truth (Authentic Judaism) and…