A Very Moving VART (Jewish Message) from Rabbi Avigdor Miller OBM

I will never forget when I heard the following message from Rabbi Miller OBM: “Here we have an old, obese, Italian woman riding a bus in Brooklyn. Her hair is all messed up, and she doesn’t look very respectable. And she is talking at the top of her lungs to her daughter in Italian. And…

The Holy Shabbos

The Holy Shabbos (the Sabbath Day) means many different things to different people. But we must realize what the Authentic Jewish Shabbos is really about. First, we must grasp that the Shabbos is Holy. Very Holy. It isn’t a “national rest day” or anything like imposter Jews make it out to be. Yes, we do rest on Shabbos, but that is not the essence…

Really, What are You?

When I was a little kid, my mother told us: “You are what you eat!”. If you eat junk food your health will be junk, if you eat healthy foods you will be healthy. But are we really defined by what we eat? Absolutely not! Do you know what we really are? The answer is: You are what you think about most of the time. If…

Some thoughts on Rabbi Avigdor Miller OBM and some other not so virtuous…

Rabbi Avigdor Miller was a Gaon in Torah and Mussar. He was also a great Tzadik. He was an inspiration. But he was also a “General” in HASHEM’s “army”, fighting contra Torah ideology. He fought them through his books. He fought them through his lectures that were distributed all over the globe on cassette tapes. He fought them through his “just being…

What the Windows of the Volozhin Yeshiva Teach us

If you look carefully at the windows of the Yeshiva in Volozhin, you will notice something interesting: The bars in the windows are all on an angle! The reason for this may be that they didn’t want it to form a cross. There were many Tzadikim in Europe who we concerned about things like this. Of course, we…

Quality, not Quantity

It is universally accepted that things that are rare are more valuable. There are rocks all over the place. There is dirt everywhere. But fine jewels and precious metals are scarce (and beautiful), and that is what makes them valued. Authentic Jews are indeed a small minority of the world. But HASHEM has told us that He chose us for His…

Two Sons of the same Father – Two Very Different Ways

  The Rosh Yeshiva of Volozhin – the Netziv OBM – had two sons.  One’s name was Haim. He knew the Nitziv his whole adult life. He was around 70 years old when the Nitziv passed away. Furthermore, he served with his father and nephew, the Famous Reb Haim Brisker OBM, in running the Yeshiva in Volozhin.…

Don’t be Impressed by Little Letters…

Some people have little letters after their names. Like “Ph.D.” or MD etc. We tend to be impressed by these little letters after their names. Well, we should not. There are many professors for this or that, that are utterly stupid, idiotic, and ignorant. And some of them are also wicked and evil. The Wansee Conference, where the Germans decided on the…