By Their Legacy, You Shall Know Them

Part 1. Christianity

Suppose we want to examine and judge an individual, or a group of people big or small. In that case, examining the legacy of the person or group we are discussing is very important. The legacy says it all. It is the most revealing element. It says EVERYTHING.

Let’s go back in history. What was Jesus C. really about? Love and kindness or maybe not exactly…

Anyone familiar with the Christian Bible (what Christians call The “New Testament”) knows that on one hand, we hear Jesus preaching love and kindness, but also using the most violent and nasty rants against the Jewish Rabbis (“Pharisees”). He calls them “hypocrites” and “vipers” and very many other terrible remarks. He calls poor people who were not part of his movement (a poor Canaanite woman) “dogs” (Matthew 15:26). So not too much “love” there. He cursed a tree that did not give fruit when he demanded it to do so (hey man get a brain, learn a little botany, it wasn’t during the season that it bears fruit!). And many other extremely disturbing events. So how should we judge this “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”?

Well, let us look at the legacy he left behind for mankind…

We just need to examine at the two large editions of Christianity (there are thousands of denominations of Christianity, but these are the two major ones) The Roman Catholics and the Protestants who followed Martin Luther.

The Roman Catholic Church, who controlled Europe for over a thousand years, butchered and tortured Jews and other “Non-believers” in the cruelest of ways. You cannot read their ways of torture and murder without really feeling you are sick. Even up to and including the Holocaust, the Pope and his “Church” helped the Nazis by not raising an outcry while 6000000 men women, and children were being exterminated like rats. Even after the war the Vatican actively helped many former Nazi war criminals escape to South America and other countries in schemes called “Rat Trails”.

Martin Luther deadly attacked Jews and called for their death and suffering. He wrote a book “The Jews and their Lies” which is not for the soft-hearted.

If you are interested in more detail on all the above read this Book: “Our Hands are Stained with Blood” (WARNING! WARNING! The author of this book is a “(false) Messianic Jew” so there is probably much contra-Torah ideology garbage between the lines!)

So we know that the Legacy of JC and his “Church” is now conclusively decided. He has left the world a legacy of death, torture, and inhumanity that is simply not describable.

So when Hitler came to initiate the “Final Solution” he was walking through an open door. A wide open door that had been opened by JC, with a path going through it paved by Christendom for 1900 years. And don’t mistakenly think that this bloodthirsty hatred was only a trait of the Center Christian Church. It wasn’t. It was in the mother’s milk of almost every Christian child. See also here: Hitler’s Willing Executioners

Part 2: JB Soloveitchik – The Raaaaaav”

Jossef Dov Soloveitchik was the son of Reb Moshe Soloveitchik (who was the son of the Great Rabbi Chayim Soloveitchik ZL of Volozhin/Brisk) was born on February 27, 1903. He studied under his father and had other illustrious tutors  The young lad was very successful with his Talmudic studies. But along the way something happened. His train was derailed. This possibly had something to do with his mother’s bizarre behavior to defile the family abode with secular literature (it was due to her behavior that Reb Moshe her husband was close to divorcing her (they were separated for period). In any case he strayed, and eventually enrolled in a university in Berlin.

His sister ?? Meiselmann in her book “The Soloveitchik legacy” informs us that while at that university he met his future wife Ms. Tanya Lewitt and “they discovered the love between them” ( Rebbetzin Meiselman stop the word salad and talk English! What exactly does “discovering the love between them” mean? Studying philosophy together at the university library? We demand in the name of honesty and transparency that the family make known the nature of the pre-marital relationship between the Raaaaaav and Tanya lewit!!!) 

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