Quality, not Quantity

It is universally accepted that things that are rare are more valuable. There are rocks all over the place. There is dirt everywhere. But fine jewels and precious metals are scarce (and beautiful), and that is what makes them valued.

Authentic Jews are indeed a small minority of the world. But HASHEM has told us that He chose us for His Nation regardless of our meek numbers.

 Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Halevi Rabinowitz OBM (a great Authentic Jewish Historian, who also served the faculty of the Volozhin Yeshiva!) wrote:

“Only those G-D fearing Jews make up the People of Israel. Them and only them. No one else. Even if there would only remain in the entire world (Heaven forbid) only ten Authentic Jews, one Minyan, that Minyan is the true People of Israel. These ten individuals, and ONLY them, are the Jewish Nation. Even if they are tucked away in some desert somewhere, that is the only place of Am Yisroel….”

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