Some thoughts on Rabbi Avigdor Miller OBM and some other not so virtuous…

Rabbi Avigdor Miller was a Gaon in Torah and Mussar. He was also a great Tzadik. He was an inspirationBut he was also a “General” in HASHEM’s “army”, fighting contra Torah ideology. He fought them through his books. He fought them through his lectures that were distributed all over the globe on cassette tapes. He fought them through his “just being him“.

The RAMBAM writes that sometimes a Navi receives a Nevuah just for the sake of elevating his own soul. The question is that the word Navi means to “talk”, to prophesize. So how does a personal uplifting square with the essence of a “Navi“? Rabbi Yechezkel Avramsky OBM explained that when a TZADIK reaches higher levels in Torah and Yiras Shemayim he indeed “talks“. He not only “talks”, but he also screams! His essence “says” so much. And if people will listen to what he “says” by his essence, they too will hear HASHEM “talking” to them as well.

The Holy Rav of Brisk OBM used to say that SITRA ACHRA sometimes uses Jews themselves to fight his evil battles. Throughout our history, people who were “biological Jews” (i.e. their mother was Jewish, but nothing else about them was authentically Jewish) have done more damage to The Jewish People than Hitler, Stalin the Crusades, etc. Because our Holy Sages teach us the very important and fundamental principle that causing another Jew to do something contra Torah is worse than killing him. Indeed it is better to die than live a life in sin.

The Holy Rabbi Elchonon Wasserman ZATZAL advised a student of his not to leave Europe as the Nazis were approaching if it would mean enrolling in a pseudo-Yeshiva which was similar to YU.

One of the “Generals” who fought his entire adult life for evil and the Sitra Achra was named Mordecai Kaplan. He founded an imposter-Jewish sect called “Reconstructionism”.

Hear what Rabbi Miller has to say about this wicked man…

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