The Essence of the Jewish People

When Yonah (Jonah) was asked by the captain of the ship, amidst a great storm:

“And they said to him, ‘Tell us… what is your homeland and from which people are you?'”

Jonah was queried about his identity. Did he answer, “I am an Israeli,” aligning with the modern state of Israel? No. Did he say, “I am an American”? No. Instead, he responded, “I am a Hebrew.”

But what does it mean to be a “Hebrew”? It’s not merely about speaking the Hebrew language. Jonah further clarified, “I fear Hashem, the God of Heaven, who has made the sea and the land.”

Jonah reveals not just what he is, but what we are as Jews (Hebrews)—those who fear the God of Heaven and acknowledge Him as the Creator of all.

Our Sages impart another profound lesson: “Ivri” (Hebrew) also signifies being on a particular “side.” An Authentic Jew is willing to stand on the righteous side, even if the entire world opposes it.

This steadfastness defines an Authentic Jew. Unswayed by groupthink, he holds firm to his convictions, even if standing alone against the world.

This trait is inherited from our forefather Abraham, who courageously stood against the prevailing norms of his time.

Such is the essence of an Authentic Jew

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