What Does it Mean to Be a “Fisher of Men”

Mr. Yoshke (JC, the one that was hung up on Calvary next to my uncle, whose name was Jesus Goldberg) is quoted as having said (per the Greek Testament. By the way, isn’t it a hilarious assertion that for over a thousand years, the Creator was talking to all His people and prophets in the Holy Tongue of Biblical Hebrew, and suddenly, He switched to Greek? Sounds fishy…) to his “disciples”: “Come, and I will make you fishers of Men.” He probably meant to bring people closer to his Gospel (i.e., lies and betrayal.) But I think we have a Freudian slip here. “Fishers” fish for fish to kill them, roast them, and eat them. Fish die when they are removed from their native habitat of water by fishermen. So what he is saying is that people who will follow his “Gospel” will be removed and snagged out of the water (i.e. authentic Torah, which in many places is referred to as “water”) to be murdered and destroyed. What else could be more accurate? For once, he got it exactly right!

If Christian Missionaries are threatening you, contact these people immediately for guidance: Jews for Judaism.

Endnote: There is a legend that when Reb Haim of Brisk OBM was a young child, a Goyishe kid was abusing him, screaming, “You killed our god! You killed our god!” Reb Haim yelled back, “Ok, so take real revenge and do the same thing to our G-d!“. Sure, you get the point…

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