What Every Authentic Jewish Mother is Most Concerned About

Who hasn’t heard from their mom that she would do anything for their well-being? Our mothers are precious, and we should cherish and appreciate them deeply. Every dedicated mother sacrifices so much for her children. I remember hearing as a child about certain squirrels that, if caught in a trap, would gnaw off their leg to return to their young. That instinct exemplifies the essence of a true mother.

Every authentic Jewish mother desires her children to be happy, healthy, and successful. Above all, her deepest aspiration is that her children should be Ehrliche Yidden—authentic Jews who uphold the values of kosher living and fear of Heaven.

If you want to bring true Jewish pride and joy (Nachas) to your parents, strive to embody the qualities of an Ehrliche Yid. Dedicate yourself to Torah study and ensure that your children are raised as authentic, Ehrliche Yidden. This commitment will bring gratitude and appreciation from your parents in this world and in the World to Come.

Even if your mom or dad may be distant from Authentic Judaism, deep down, they desire your commitment to an Authentic Jewish life. Even if they protest outwardly, your dedication to Torah and mitzvot is what our Creator requires above all else.

Every Shabbos, as an authentic Jewish mother lights the candles, she prays that her children illuminate the world with their Torah and Mitzvot. It is at this special moment when her innermost hopes are expressed.

In some households, a beautiful and holy custom endures: after the mother lights the Shabbos candles, her children kiss her hand. This gesture signifies respect and reverence, but it also symbolizes a promise to fulfill her deepest wishes: “Yes, Mommy, we will do our utmost to make your deepest desires a reality“.

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